Patient ID Center has begun issuing cannabis employee badges for all staff and owners of California cannabis business that need them. Visit for more information about our new service. We can do custom badges with your cannabis business logo present on them. Drop us an This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you want any further information.
Please visit our online cannabis bookstore. All order fulfillment is done by publisher, while you help to fund our small cannabis agency.
Use this link to Securely Verify Patient ID Center ID Cards. Enter the patients member number or caregiver number with our agency and their current California ID Card or license.
The Patient ID Center now accepts patient ID card renewals online through a secure portal if you have been a member of our agency. We send out an email (if you have a current email on file) before your ID Card expires. This will inform you that your Doctor's note and Patient ID card needs to be updated and how you can now do it all online once you have updated the Doctors note. If you have not received email and want to renew without coming email your updated note and member number to us to start process the renewal process to update your ID card. If you want to learn more about this new program This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
We're a not-for-profit California cooperative supporting patients and caregivers who benefit from medical cannabis, our Mission statement. If your interested in Patient ID Center (PIDC) medical cannabis ID Card application process please click here. We are now offering for old members to renew Patient ID cards by mail, please contact our office to get more information or visit our membership page. If you want to learn more about this new program This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
SB 420 Official State Medical Cannabis ID Cards
Alameda County Patients Services (ACPS) is no longer accepting applications on behalf of the Alameda County Public Health Department for State Medical Cannabis ID Cards. Alameda County Public Health Department is now running the State Medical Cannabis ID Card program at 1000 Broadway, Suite 310,Oakland, CA 94607. Please call (510) 268-2977 to make appointment at the Health Department. You can visit the State Department of Health web site here, to find out if your County is offering this State medical cannabis ID Card visit here.
Medical Marijuana and the Law
- California Cannabis Portal
- CMA urges strong regulatory system for medical cannabis
- The California Medical Marijuana Initiative - Prop. 215
- California Medical Marijuana Program site
- Medical Board of California (Doctor License search)
- History of Medical Cannabis
- How Medical Cannabis Works, the how stuff works website goes over how medical cannabis works
Medical Marijuana Research
- Patient ID Center online cannabis bookstore
- Review of Human Research on Medical Use of Cannabis
- International Cannabinoid Research Society
- Abstract of Antibacterial properties of cannabinoids from cannabis plant, ABC News story on same research.
- Science Daily current science news and research on cannabis.
Usage and Effects
Patient ID Center Mission Statement
The goal of the Patient ID Center (PIDC) formally known as Oakland Cannabis Buyers' Cooperative (OCBC) is to provide seriously ill patients with a safe and reliable source of medical cannabis information and patient support. Our cooperative is open to all patients with a verifiable letter of recommendation for medical cannabis, used to alleviate or terminate the effects of their illnesses. The PIDC is currently unable to dispense medical cannabis due to local contracts to issue secure photo ID cards
Federal statutes currently prohibit the use of cannabis as medicine. However, scientific evidence, including anecdotal evidence, documents the relief that cannabis provides to many seriously ill patients. The cooperative is dedicated to reducing the harm these patients encounter due to the prohibition of cannabis. Please visit our Cannabis Bookstore if you would like to research more on this issue.
PIDC's offices are multi-faceted facilities, accessible to people with disabilities. We provide a professional atmosphere for patients to obtain photo ID cards qualifying them under the Health and Safety Code section 11362.5, with trained member advocates on hand to offer advice and assistance. We also offer self-help services such as cultivation meetings (see our calendar). In addition, PIDC provides information on a variety of topics, including AIDS prevention and treatment, safe sex, and cannabis reform in general.
The Patient ID Center currently operates under the auspices of California Proposition 215 and Oakland City Council Resolution No. 72516. Resolution 72516, and pursuant to Oakland Municipal Ordinance 8.42. Furthermore, the city has appointed a working group to oversee PIDC functions and to determine the most effective means to protect and assist seriously ill patients.
Membership Application Procedure
To apply for membership you will need the following :
1) Valid current ID from the following list:
California Drivers License
California ID
2) Completed physicians form (which must meet the following)
- must be currently dated, usually within the last six months
- be signed by an MD certified in California
- have the physician's phone number for verification
- have a diagnosis of your condition (optional on note)
- state that the physician recommends/approves of the patient's use of cannabis
- indicate the physician has discussed the advantages and disadvantages of using medical cannabis and agrees to monitor the patient's use of cannabis
3) Completed Authorization for Release of Patient Status form
The physician may write their own letter or use ours. After we receive your documentation it will take several days to process it. When your medical information is verified, we will call you to inform you that you may come in and complete the enrollment process. Please do not call us unless you do not hear from us within five business days.
Processing your membership can take several business days, but depends on your doctor's recommendation being verified. If you are coming from far away, please mail or fax your documentation before your visit so that you are verified when you arrive. Be sure to include your phone number and your doctor's phone number. Our membership fee is $40.00 for first time members, and $30.00 for renewal. This is a yearly fee is paid when you come in to get your Photo ID card issued or renewed (ID Card expiration date is set from the date of your Doctor's recommendation no more then one year).
4) For Patients requiring a Caregiver ID Card
-Patient must be a current Patient ID Center Member to have caregiver form filed
-Patient and Caregiver need to complete primary caregiver certification
-individual patients are allowed up to three caregivers
-caregiver must be over 18 with current drivers license or ID from California DMV
-caregiver card fees are $40.00 for new and $30.00 renewal in office or $35.00 to renewal by mail
5) You can also Renew your ID card by mail without having to come in and visit the Patient ID Center office.
To renew by mail you need to submit the following:
- An updated and current physician recommendation faxed or mailed to our office.
- Your Patient ID Center Member Number from your previous ID card, or CDL/CID number and your current telephone number.
- Renew by mail fee of $35 (can be paid by Cashier's Check, Money Order, Visa or MasterCard, No personal checks).
- Once our office has verified your new recommendation, our staff will contact you to complete the process to receive your current ID Card.
Northern California Patient ID Services
Patient ID Center
3630 High Street Unit 19271, Oakland, CA 94619
P.O. Box 70401, Oakland, CA 94612-0401
Tel: (510) 832-5346 Fax: (510) 986-0534
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.